Launching GLOV
I am frequently frustrated by digital experiences that require me to constantly enter my phone number for "compliance with a cell number standard." It is disheartening to see companies like ChatGPT and SpaceX making groundbreaking advances while I am still struggling with digital designs that lack empathy towards my daily needs and micro experiences.
Shopping online can be overwhelming and frustrating for many people. There are often hundreds of pages of products with lengthy descriptions and only small discounts to choose from. For those who are used to digital technology, traditional methods of product design, such as using post-it notes and analyzing data with excel tables, are not enough. The modern user experience needs to be constantly adapting and learning in order to meet the needs of real-time users, who are influenced by factors like processor speed, screen size, and their own actions while using the digital platform.
Therefore, together with Mustafa Kirac we are launching Glov, believing that there is another way. Unlike the traditional design-approaches, we are embarking on an untried and long journey.
Instead of dictating a predetermined experience for users, we will use design-learning algorithms to redesign the experience from the ground up based on usage patterns.
Our goal is to create a user experience network that learns from millions of people in order to make the lives of millions easier. This is the driving force behind GLOV.